What the Hell does Juve Want?

First Juventus whined about a 30-point deduction which looks like they have been relegated lower than Serie B logically, a status that puts them in a situation that is detrimental to the financial health of the club in the long run; but better for the sport in general. Now, they want to appeal for the second after getting away with minor penalties the first time around.

What do these people really want? Make glorious soldiers of themselves and a mockery of the governing body by bringing them back as if nothing happened?

After an appeal hoping to lessen the gravity of the verdict, their 30-point deduction was reduced to 17 points. Guess what? They are not happy and still fuming as Juventus chairman Giovanni Cobolli Gigli has this to say: We absolutely cannot accept this sentence. Worst of all, we have been given a penalty which seriously prejudices next season.

Bad luck for you since Fiorentina and Lazio were reinstated back to Serie A while you’re illegal activities stay put in the division far more than you really deserve. The 30-point deduction is peanuts to what you should have received for damaging the great sport of football. Not even your club’s total assets is enough to justify and destroy the sport of billions of fans worldwide.

Chill out and at least start being a role model.

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